

  • Currently developing a feature-rich Expense Tracker App using Flutter, aiming to deliver a seamless and intuitive user experience across both iOS and Android platforms.
  • Implementing BLoC (Business Logic Component) for efficient state management, to ensure a responsive and scalable application architecture.
  • Following SOLID principles to maintain clean, modular, and maintainable code, enhancing the application’s flexibility and ease of future development.

Commands Hive


  • Commands Hive is a small CLI application developed using Golang whose main purpose is to allow the user to save commands in a array. The user can also delete a command, list all commands, search a command.
  • Available for Unix systems.

Social Media Api


  • Developed a social media API using Node.js and TypeScript, leveraging Express for efficient routing and middleware integration.
  • Implemented GraphQL with type-graphql to provide a flexible and efficient querying mechanism, allowing clients to request specific data as needed.
  • Integrated PostgreSQL and TypeORM for reliable data storage and management, with Redis used for caching to enhance performance.
  • Focused on best practices and testing to ensure a scalable, maintainable, and robust API during development.

Flight Price Prediction


  • Created a tool that estimates Flight Prices to help users look for best prices when booking flight tickets.
  • Engineered features from the Departure Time, Date of Journey, to quantify the data and make it more understandable.
  • Optimized multiple Regression models using GridsearchCV to reach the best model.
  • Built a client facing API using flask